Wednesday, August 6, 2014

If you're tired of the rat race, tired of working for morons & imbeciles, if you want to pay YOURSELF what you are REALLY worth...
You Can Make Big Money
Writing Little Books & eBooks

The actual sales page for this product is at Writing And Selling Books And eBooks
You are saving $10 off of the regular price of this product in this WSO.

I'm going to make some bold claims on this page. I don't ask you to trust me!
I have prepared a 14 page PDF file that proves every claim I make on this page.
No Photoshop'd whack jobs of phony earnings either--rock solid, undeniable proof.
- - - Get It Here - - -
This is a 430 page, in-depth training manual on how to make money writing nonfiction books and ebooks.
For whatever reason, if you want off the grid, out of the rat race, or into a business of you own with no limits on income--YOU SHOULD BE WRITING YOUR OWN NONFICTION LITTLE BOOKS AND eBOOKS--and you should start today!

Whatever your niche, interest, or market: Internet marketing, sports, fitness, gardening, pets, dating, computing, cooking, investing, business, parenting, self-help, sports, travel, education, relationships... learn how to write books or ebooks that actually sell!

Learn how to create a nonfiction book or ebook from someone who has actually done it themselves--over 80 times! There are hoards of people out there selling books about how to write ebooks who have never written a book in their life other than the one they are trying to sell you about how to write books.

Dear Friend,

I Remember The Day I Sold Just Over $10,000!
I write books and ebooks for a living. I'm nobody special--I used to be an inner-city teacher. But ya know what? I used to check my sales during my lunch period at school and one day I sat there with over $1,400 in sales from just that one day.

I said, "What the hell am I doing here working for peanuts when I can make this kind of money selling simple books I've written in just a few hours a day?"

That wasn't my record for sales in a day, not by a long shot. But not long after that I walked into my building principal's office and said, "I quitting!"

He Asked Me When I was Going To Quit... I said, "I just did!"
And it's true, a couple years later I did have my first $10,000 single day. I used to have to work 3-4 months to make that much--and I just did it on one single day. I learned my lesson: Work smart, not hard! Does that make any sense to you?

Are You Sure What You're Doing Right Now
Is What You Want To Be Doing Forever?

Maybe You Can Relate To This...
I was stuck in a job with no real future and working for people making 3-4 times what I made--and they certainly weren't any smarter than I was. In fact they were idiots! Do you know what I mean when I say that I had a burning fire in my gut to succeed? I really did and I'm betting you feel the same way.

Too Bogged Down In Your Job To Make Any Real Money?
I was and I'll bet you know what I mean. It's all to easy to get into a rut. I was in one and I wanted out! But there was one thing I was certain of--If I wanted to make any real money I would have to do it outside of that dead end job of mine.

I Wanted Out. I Wanted Off The Treadmill--Off The Grid, But I Didn't Know How To Do It!
I thought of myself as a six-figure-a-year man, but I was stuck in a $30,000 a year job. I'm hoping you can relate to that. I'm pretty sure you can. There's this feeling you get in the middle of the night--you wake up, you've got this knot in your gut--and you just want out. You want something better. It's hard to explain.

There Was One Thing I Learned In My Early Years...
When I looked around at what I was doing--and what others were doing--I found one undeniable fact. The people who were knocking down money (and I mean real money), didn't work that hard and they didn't spend nearly as much time working at it as I did. The other side of that coin was that the people working hard, and putting in long hours--generally weren't making jack squat!

Let's Give Your Greatest Dreams
Wings With Which To Fly!
From The Desk Of:
Mike McMillan

We're different people than most--you and I. We deserve to be paid more than what we can make at a dead-end job working to make someone else rich! It's not that I'm better than anyone else--I'm not! But I am very creative and I demand to be rewarded for that creativity. How about you?

Back about two years before I quit teaching I was doing a presentation before about 100 teachers at a convention. I talked about some cool teaching techniques I had come up with. After 30 minutes, just when I had finished winding things up--a young woman raised her hand and asked me if I had a book with all of this stuff in it.

I stood there for a minute. Ya know how sometimes a question like that gets you thinking? All of a sudden I blurted, "I do". I'm sold out of copies right now but if you want to leave me a name and address I'll send you info on it when I get home." I handed her a sheet of paper and a pen.

I saw her fill in her info, and then the man next to her asked for the paper. Within 10 minutes there were about 70 names written down. Gads! Now what? I made the two-hour drive home and whacked out a one-page sales letter and ran to make copies of it. By late afternoon I had them in the mail to all the names.

That was a Saturday. Mind you, I hadn't even written the book yet! On Sunday I knocked off a 40 page booklet that filled the promises I had made in my sales letter. To make a long story short--I sold about 300 copies of that little $14,95 booklet in the next few months. The next year I sold over 1,000.

Then It Hit Me Like A Ton Of Bricks--
You Really Can Make Big Money Writing Little Books!

The Solution To My Problems Was Right Before My Eyes!
Ya know what it's like when you've been in the dark for hours and someone hits the light switch? At first it' hard to see. The light is blinding--but then everything begins to come into focus. That's exactly how I felt.

I Began Writing Like There Was No Tomorrow
Within two months of writing that anemic little first book of mine, I wrote half a dozen more. One sold for $39.95 and it sold even better than my first one. There were days when I was selling 30-40 books--I couldn't stop the orders if I wanted.

Writing Those Early Books Opened The Flood Gates
Sometimes when you get on a roll everything just seems to click. It did for me. Within a few years after I quit teaching I had written something like 30-40 little books and ebooks. But these books acted like a hinge--a hinge that swung great doors open for me. Here are just some of those doors...

Writing And Selling Books & eBooks
Can Open Huge Doors For You!

* I began doing self-publishing seminars that pulled in $500-$1,000 a night.

* I was being called to do radio and TV author interviews. I have done over 100 to date. I even did an author interview on ABC World News in Manhattan for one of my books.

* I developed an online self-publishing course that is now offered through over 1,400 colleges and community colleges across the U.S. (And people pay $99 a whack to take the course that runs on complete autopilot for me.) I show you exactly how you could do this too!

* I started doing Barnes & Noble book signings all over to sell my books.

* I learned that working hard, in itself, gets one nowhere--working smart is the key to success.

* I developed a manual with 12 videos which sold for $1,195 and got huge distributors to sell it for me. It gave me the cash I needed to branch out in many different directions.

* I began getting distributors and affiliates selling massive quantities of my books for me.

* I got a dozen or so huge catalog companies to promote my books in their mailings to hundreds-of-thousands of customers on their lists.

* I learned a secret trick to make massive money by having huge book companies give my books away as promotions.

* I learned a secret technique that allowed me to write a simple ebook within 6 hours in the morning, and have actual online orders coming in within 60 minutes the same day.

* I found that I could sell the rights to books I had written for massive profits. I sold the rights to a group of my books to a company for exactly $20,000!

* And believe it or not, learn why bookstores are actually one of the very worst places in the world to try to sell print-and-ink type books.

You can learn to do all these things, and more!

There is a flood of cash out there on the Internet. And while most beginners play the losing game of chasing that cash around--I show you how to position your products in front of it, so it hits you dead on! It really is as simple as that.

"Hi Mike,
I just wanted to say I purchased your book and it is by far the very best material I've read on writing and self-publishing. I made my first $1Million publishing and writing so I do know what I'm talking about. I just wish I had this when I first got started. It would have saved me lots and lots of time and money.
Thanks so much for sharing your ideas and inspiration! Anyone (seasoned or newbie) who wants to really succeed in writing and self-publishing should run as fast as they can to buy your book.
Best wishes,"

Warrior: Webbie (David Vallieres)
Marketing Insider's Club | MindSet Fix / Kick-Butt Training / Insider Reports / Gold Club Membership

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Mike and I have become friends over the last few months, so I wanted to say something about this WSO when I saw it...but first, I want you to know Mike didn't ask me to comment here. But I am for two reasons:
- Mike is a good guy.
- This offer is outstanding.
Look, those who know me know I don't shill for anyone. As far as I'm concerned my only obligation when I talk about any product is to be honest. Having said that...

I sell my own ebook on the same topic, and I've created a course on the same topic as well. Mike's is more comprehensive than mine, and mine is pretty darn good!

Look, to tell you the truth, I didn't even read his sales copy. I didn't have to. I just spotted the thread and scrolled down to check the price and comment. That's how much confidence I have in the main product. I've seen it, it's great, and I'm a little surprised he isn't asking more for it.

I bought Product Launch Inferno too (did you even know that, Mike? lol). It's another fine product. I can't comment about the rest of the bonuses as I haven't read them, but you're more than getting your money's worth with the two I have read.

Besides, if Mike says he'll refund your money if you're not satisfied, I believe he will. You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Pull the trigger already!"
Warrior: Dennis Gaskill~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hey, fellow Warriors,

I just wanted to say that I just bought Mike's enormous package he's offering here and lost several hours of sleep last night because after downloading it, I made the mistake of opening it up just to check to make sure the files downloaded properly and weren't corrupted. (They were fine, of course.)

Well, the real mistake was starting to read it just before bed. Ok, so finally, 46 pages later, I forced myself to go to bed (the ebook is several hundred pages long). But for an hour or more I couldn't go to sleep because my head was swimming with the excitement of so many new ideas! Great fun, of course, and actually worth the loss of sleep.

Yes, the book is a detailed how-to manual but it is also a fire-you-up inspirational work from an evangelical, serial self-publisher of little books who writes with a passion. And, it's also a direct and on-going challenge from Mike to get busy and do the exercises in the book and get your book written. He shows you exactly how to do it, of course. Step by step. (But, guess what! These steps are not like ANY steps you're expecting.)

The book is FAR and away better than anything I've ever read on self-publishing (Hey, Dan Poytner's stuff is great, but this is greater!) For one thing, Mike's book is far more FUN than any other book on I've read on self-publishing! But also, it's just a completely different (and far more effective) approach to creating your project.

So far, I've done only 3 of the exercises in the beginning of the book and the first one alone (the changes I made to my title) will probably help sell about 50 times more copies than I would have with the limp title I honestly thought was already absolutely wonderful.

Unfortunately, I can't give you a full review right now because I haven't finished reading it yet (much less the mountain of bonuses he's given us.)

But I wanted to post something while the sale is still on so that if you're on the fence, you can get OFF the fence and get the book into your computer, even if you're not planning on writing a book immediately. (Though be warned, reading the book may cause you to move your unwritten book to the front burner ahead of anything else that's going on in your life: "Yeah, tell the maternity ward I'll get there when I can.")

All I can say is that (based on what I've already read), if you think you are EVER going to write a little book and make a BIG PILE of money, you'd better check this out. It will seriously shake up the way you approach your project and help you create something that is MARKETABLE, not just printable. (Hey, the point is to make money, right? Lots and lots of money selling lots and lots of little books.)

Also, I should say that about a month ago I bought some SEO stuff from another of Mike's Warrior offers and it helped me get onto the first page of Google (in a VERY competitive launch) in less than a week. I was amazed (and ecstatic) that it worked so well and so fast.

Based on these two experiences (and the personal, email follow-ups I've received from Mike) I have to say that I have no hesitation in recommending (sight-unseen) any product he comes out with. He's great to do business with.

Mike, thanks for making this special offer available to us." --Jim
Warrior: Jamur 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I wanted to wait until I had read a good chunk of this book before I commented.

Mike, this book will change my entire career. Everything about it revolves around perception and knowledge, and my clients will immediately trust me over the competition when I have written a little book I can put my expertise in.

I will be making a full review of the book once I have finished. I've already completed several exercises. My goal? To pay back Mike's kindness with the money I've made off his well thought and inspiring book.

Cheers Mike. You're AWESOME!

Warmest regards,
Warrior: Matt Burns
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Okay folks..I spent a good part of the day reading only a few sections of Mike's product.

I've purchased several WSO's from the WF and, without any doubt, this is the highest quality product I have purchased.

Mike, compared to the detail, quality, insight, and value of all the other WSO's in this website, you could have charged 5x more!

Mike's professional insight, attention to detail, and psychological understanding of this niche is top notch. As a certified teacher and avid reader, Mike's work is eye-opening and incredibly informative (I'm sure I'll have to read it many times to absorb everything).

Mike, you have delivered a fine product. I hope that my customers react to my products the same way I am to yours.

Warrior: theteach
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I just purchased your course. Thank you for putting together a complete system for writing and marketing books and ebooks. All I can say is WOW. You have covered everything from mindset to marketing....

Your bonuses cover all the areas of expertise one would need to form a complete business model.

I really love to do research and learn new things. My husband has said if I could combine my love for knowledge with a way to make money we'd be set.

Mike, you've just provided me with the solution I've been searching for. I have bought countless courses and books but ultimately they weren't what I wanted to do long term. This is something I can pursue confidently with your direction."
Warrior: WandaW~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Mike, I was speechless when I first saw how much information you poured into your BMLB package. This is the kind of course that is history making. With all due respect to Dan Poynter, Mike, you are the New King of Self-Publishing!

From the motivation piece on page 27, to the multi-million dollar idea you gave me on page 397, you have covered everything I could imagine and much more.

I've taken your ideas presented in this package, written several small books and turned a small book into $50,000 in less than 2 months with only a fraction of the ideas you presented here. I now have several publishers calling me and I'm launching a new coaching program. Mike, what an awesome offering. Words can't express just how powerfully impactful this will be for those people that are wise enough to invest in it.

Pssst!...Hey Mike, I think you're crazy for charging less than $500 for this, but man, I'm happy you are."
Jim Chianese, Las Vegas, NV
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Dear Mike,
Your book, Big Money Writing Little books, is to say the least, SIMPLY AMAZING! When I began searching for that one single book to help me with my book I searched high and low and came up with at least 30 books that caught my interest.

Upon further research I narrowed it to a few, then to one, yours. There was just something special about the way you wrote and marketed that captured my "gut" instinct and I knew your book was EXACTLY what I was looking for. The language you write in spoke directly to me as if I had just found a personal coach for writing and publishing my book.

Now that I have read your book I know it is even more than I was looking for. It is a direct system that is very easy to follow full of incredible ideas and instructions.

I can't wait to get my book up online and also in print. I will definitely use all your advice and guidance that was clearly presented to help me with both the online version and print. This information is invaluable and will save me incredible amounts of time and money every step of the way. Keep up the great work and look forward to your next book, Bigger money writing even smaller books. Ha ha!"
Shane Andrew, Los Angeles, CA

Since obtaining my BMLB program 2 months ago, Shane completed his ebook, is selling it successfully on Clickbank, has done dozens of author interviews in radio stations across the country to promote his book, and is teaching a course on the topic of his book at a community college in Los Angeles. He is now working on taking his ebook to the next level--and a major book publisher contacted Shane last week and is turning Shane's book into a printed version to flood the book stores with! I have included a lengthy interview wish Shane as a bonus with this product. I want you to see the tremendous success an average person has had with my product.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Mike, I wrote a booklet last weekend. It was a small booklet, only 16 pages. I wrote the booklet on a subject that has been used many, many times. I simply modified it. I spent $0.00 on advertising. And so far, I've sold 12,000 copies!

How did I do it? I took a few tips from your book titled, You Can Make Big Money Writing Little Books. In short,...I pocketed thousands of dollars with one small idea less than 5 weeks after buying your book. Thanks Mike."

Jimmy Krug, Bradenton FL
Jimmy Krug's Perfect Self-Publishing Business!
(Jimmy has since sold over 100,000 copies of his booklet~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I wasn't sure if I was going to buy this WSO, but the support that Mike was offering was so amazing, that I decided to buy, and what a great decision it was! This WSO is nothing short of tremendous.

The ebook is game changing, eye opening, thought provoking, and wonderfully inspiring. I'm only about 38 pages into it, but I just LOVE this ebook. I normally tear though books at a rapid pace, but I am reading this book slow and easy, with rapt attention, as each page contains gem after gem of info and tips. I've read dozens of books on writing, and I have to say that I am enjoying and learning so much from this book, that I easily think it's the best of the bunch that I have ever encountered on this topic.

Mike....This is great stuff. I can't tell you how pleased I am to have purchased this WSO. I can't wait to finish the book, and all the incredible bonuses.

Heartfelt thanks!"
Warrior: Richard Martin
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hi Mike,

Purchased a few days ago and Rich ^^^ had the right word: transformational. So far the most helpful part for me has been your chapter on reverse engineering.

Thanks for sharing your incredible experience!"

Warrior: Art Turner
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hi Mike, What a great book! I got it yesterday... read it cover to cover. The specifics you gave us about self publishing are very much appreciated. I have to tell you that in recent months I've read several books on the topic of self publishing and I feel that this is the very best. Again, thank you. The best I've seen and read about self publishing!"
- Guy Bailey, Camus WA~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Mike, your BMLB is amazing. My husband, Lew, and I are also authors and self-publishers. We're always on the hunt for good information that can make us more effective and profitable. I found some intriguing twists we can adapt to our business. Plus, you listed a few suppliers we didn't know about.

Newcomers to the business will be able to skip a lot of trial and error with the in-depth, real-life strategies and techniques you explain in the book. It's a bargain at many times the modest cost!"
Anita T. Williams, Co-Founder
ImaginationWorks, Inc. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Hi Mike-

I just finished reading the big book. Again, I took my time going through it, as I didn't want to miss a single morsel of information.

I cannot express how transformational of a read this book has been. When I bought this WSO, I was at a point where I was seriously doubting that I could produce a decent non-fiction book. Now, after reading the book, I to find myself in a totally different mindset, where I absolutely cannot wait to start creating a product using your system/exercises.

I am 100% confident that if I utilize the exercises that I just read about in your book, that my results will be VASTLY improved. Not just a little better of a result...we're talking about MASSIVE IMPROVEMENT thanks to what I've learned from you.

Thank you for sharing this very amazing course, and for all your feedback and support."

Warrior: Richard Martin
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"One idea from the book(s) really resonates with me and I am running with it. It really puts the whole process into perspective and makes it make a lot of sense... while limiting any wasted time. It may not be one of the prime methods talked about, but the pieces were there to slap together once I read through things a few times.

Is it worth $37? To the right people it could be. Honestly if you simply apply this to a RAP report or a $7 script report, you could easily make your money back in no time.

And Mike isn't kidding about being a hard ass in the books, but he has some actionable lists and things to do every step of the way for those who listen. Perfect product at the perfect time for me, just what I was looking for."

Warrior: Clintoc (Doug Wakefield)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Take what you know, add what you find and write it down for a narrowly targeted audience. This is Mike McMillan's Magic Formula for multiplying your efforts and capitalizing on your experience. Mike's Big Money Writing Little Books will provide you with increased credibility and a new profit center while helping thousands of your readers. Read it and profit!"
Dan Poynter, The Self Publishing Manual
Santa Barbara CA~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Dear Mike, this is just an explosion of a book! I can't believe you've given so much inside information! What I particularly like about your book is the detailed step-by-step instructions you're giving your readers. You're not just telling your readers exactly what to do to succeed--no, you're telling how you've done it time and time again. I can't believe how much you're revealing in this book! So thank you for an amazing book!"
- Warrior 
kd777 (Klaus Dahl), Denmark
What Will You Do When Your Real Life
Exceeds The Life Of Your Dreams?

My Big Book Is Just The Beginning...
I am also including by new Big Money Writing Little eBooks which focuses entirely on the creation and marketing of ebooks online. Even if you've never written anything in your life--I take you by the hand and show you step-by-step how to create your first ebook and market is successfully online. (134pp.)

INTERVIEW WITH MY TOP STUDENTI recently did a 90-minute interview with one of my very top students. Read about the tremendous success of Shane Andrew and how he used my Big Money In Little Books to achieve it. Transcribed to a 12-page PDF file.

This product comes with my no-questions-asked, unconditional, no B. S. 60-day, money-back guarantee.

I Am Approachable
When you get my product the deal isn't over. If you need help or have questions about your project--PM me. We'll PM, email, phone or Skype to make your project a success!
$27 Today